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Hey, I'm Jacqueline


I entered this life to resolve the trauma of my ancestors, specifically the mother wound that has been passed down my matriarchal lineage.

As a pisces sun I am innately connected to the spiritual realms and love to delve into expansive emotions and the great unknown. The Virgo rising in me longs to be deeply and firmly rooted in the earth and find purpose in the simple day to day. The fish and the virgin in my logo represent these opposing yet equally important aspects of myself.  

I am passionate about shadow work and deep transformation. My desire is to make this work accessible to all people and bring ease, joy and pleasure to the darkest places.

As a woman, I feel called to work with and serve other women by holding sacred space for women to be seen, held and loved

Honouring my Teachers

Nancy Lucina and Kristin Hauser who created the life-changing

Blood Mysteries School​

And these beautiful women (amongst many) who inspire me:


Letizia Cinque

Emily Bruce

Hannah Grace

Carlee Beaudry

Miranda Gray

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